About the Artist
My love affair with art started when I was 5 years old. My parents sent me to a painting class after I defiantly doodled all over our tiny apartment wall. However like most kids, I eventually grew up and “grew out” of art to handle real life responsibilities, at least I thought I did.
Like the quintessential achievement oriented Asian American, I spent my twenties chasing after the American dream from the perspective of first generation immigrant parents. My psychology degree didn’t exactly create the perfect launching pad for a career in consulting, finance or medicine, so I compensated by pursuing an MBA at 24 and ultimately dabbled my way through various analytical roles from startups to corporate companies. I succumbed to the pressure of the rat race and changed jobs about every two years. Despite having jobs that looked “good on paper” and paid for fancy gym memberships, I still felt unfulfilled with each move, felt guilty about feeling that way, and questioned whether I would ever find professional happiness.
I found myself craving a creative outlet after moving to Portland, Oregon to accept a job opportunity. What I thought was the dream job ended up being a soul sucker and the catalyst for rekindling my love for creating art, my side hustle, and now my main course. I picked up a paintbrush for the first time in over a decade to join the #The100DayProject movement and painted every night after work. It quickly became my favorite medium.
To appreciate watercolor is to truly embrace its unpredictable nature. The organic movement of color bleeding into each other is intoxicating with each drop. I am naturally drawn to an expressive style because it gives me room to experiment and push my own artistic boundaries.
After a year and half of exploration and product development, I founded Easy Sunday Club: a collection of modern paintings, art prints, and baby/children's soft goods that showcase playful interpretations of subjects in my expressive painting style. All designs are my original work.
My family relocated to Los Angeles, CA in fall of 2019. With the rich diversity, opportunities, and proximity to family, LA will most likely be our forever home.
Since 2019, my husband and I started a YouTube channel to help artists and aspiring creatives untangle the unglamorous but necessary parts of starting and growing an art business. We leaned in to our business and law education, and diverse corporate experience with the goal of helping creatives demystify the business side of art with practical and actionable strategies and tutorials. We truly enjoy the process of creating this content and helping others who have similar creative daydreams as I had in 2016.
All the best,

E-mail: hello [at] easysundayclub [dot] com
Let's be online friends: Instagram | Facebook | YouTube
Photography: Lyndsey Yeomans